
Showing posts from February, 2018

Celebrate Black History Month

ASALH 2018 Black History Month poster The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) chose "African Americans in Times of War" as their 2018 theme for Black History Month. The Jessup Library has several titles highlighting the role that African Americans played on the war front.  Be Free or Die: The Amazing Story of Robert Smalls' Escape from Slavery to Union Hero  speaks of the daring risk that Smalls took to escape to freedom with his family during the Civil War. Linda Hervieux's Forgotten: The Untold Story of D-Day's Black Heroes, at Home and at War  details the lives of an all-black battalion that fought on the frontlines in World War II; their contributions to the D-day battle had gone unacknowledged until recent years. Karin Stanford compiled multiple stories from well-known individuals throughout history in her book, If We Must Die: African American Voices on War and Peace .  Jessup Library also has a display set up to ce

Let the Library Play Matchmaker This Valentine’s Day

Already have a date for Valentine’s Day? Still looking to find that someone special? Or, are you someone who is totally fine with being single? Whatever status you find yourself in this month, let the library set you up with some new books; who knows, you might just fall in love. Step outside of the normal Romance novel scene with books from the library’s “Star-Crossed Love” display. You will find classics such as: Tristan and Isolde ; Wuthering Heights ; The Great Gatsby ; and of course, Romeo and Juliet . Check out A Farewell to Arms , a Hemingway romance set on the frontlines of Europe during World War I. Read about forbidden love in Ivanhoe and Madame Bovary . Dirt for Art's Sake: Books on Trial from Madame Bovary to Lolita is great non-fiction read that looks at how social norms have changed within the genre by exploring the scandals that each book caused after publication. In an era where love can be found at the click of a mouse or the swipe of a screen, it can