What I'm Reading Now...

“Microtrends, Under the Microscope," a review by Katie Smith, Academic Advisor
Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow's Big Changes by Mark J. Penn

For people drawn to both macro- and micro-sociological and societal trends, this book is a definite must-read. Penn describes "microtrends" as phenomena that catch on with one percent or more of the American population, (or at least three million people). Basically, microtrends are small, but potentially powerful and influential social movements.

Each chapter covers a different microtrend in the US, and some of my favorites describe the increase in teenagers who knit, individual over team sports, commuter marriages and pet ownership. As a reader, I recognized aspects of myself and my own lifestyle reflected in several microtrends. More telling, Penn explains, is the impact that these small movements can have on the political and business climate in the US through their powerful effect on voting and consumer trends. For people who want fascinating insight into emerging social and political movements, this book is highly recommended reading!