New Books

At Jessup Library we are not sure if the phrase “Winter is Coming” is a tired meme or a meteorological threat. Regardless of its meaning, the days are definitely shorter and darker and we have new books to keep you company as you settle in to the months ahead. 

As you gaze up at a cold and starry, starry night you may want to turn your eyes to A Memoir of Vincent van Gogh. Assuming that you have two ears, you could find out about Creating Sounds From Scratch as long as you promise not to destroy the furniture with your claws. At this point, you might wonder why an anonymous blog assumes you are a cat and that's an excellent question. How often are people mistaken for animals? Is everyone on the internet secretly a dog? Perhaps Statistics for People Who (Think) They Hate Statistics has the answer. 

Now put down your statistics book because the person opening the can of cat food in the next room is probably Fed up: Emotional Labor, Women, and the Way Forward.  No, she does not know where your toy mice are and she desperately wants to return to the days When Women Ruled the World: Six Queens of Egypt.  You know at least one of those queens was a cat. 

Retract your claws and curl up in front of the fire with one of these cookbooks: Smitten Kitchen Every DayRuffage: a Practical Guide to VegetablesLet's Make Ramen, or Food52 Genius Desserts.  And speaking of genius, did you know that according to Morphing Intelligence: from IQ Measurement to Artificial Brains cats are the most intelligent animals?  If you believe that "fact", you may need to stop by the reference desk for assistance with sources. Find Your Source could also help, and when you find your source you can read Cite Your Source. Don't be afraid to ask for help with citations.

If thoughts of sources are NOT dancing in your head and you would like some fiction recommendations, we have Helem Oyeyemi's latest tasty book -- Gingerbread.  We also have two books from Margarets Atwood -- a graphic version of The Handmaid's Tale, as well as the non-graphic sequel The Testaments.  Other new fiction includes: City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert, The Institute by Stephen King, The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead, and On the Come Up by Angie Thomas.  You can find all of our new fiction in the Popular, Nook, and Graphic sections of the library near the circulation desk.