New Books


Here we are, mere days from a much-needed winter break, and the Jessup Library New Books shelf has been restocked.  You might find The Unidentified : mythical monsters, alien encounters, and our obsession with the unexplained, or you might be so entranced by all of the book titles that you resemble a hapless example of Distracted : why students can't focus and what you can do about it. What *can* you do about it? Jane Fonda asks the same question, although about climate change, in her book What can I do? : my path from climate despair to action.  Jane, some of us take a similar path in reverse, from action to despair, when we realize that those cheeseburgers aren't going to grill themselves. But fear, not -- Billion dollar burger : inside big tech's race for the future of food has a subject heading "Cultured meat" and why is this blog even getting into food wars!  

We shall now return to measured, objective reports from the New Books shelves but have you seen Brave new home : our future in smarter, simpler, happier housing? If housing gets happier, will it start throwing all-night parties and invite every condo in the same zip code? Will we have to recommend that the house start reading Drink? : the new science of alcohol + your health? After that, it will be time to dip into Clean : the new science of skin; or maybe if your name is Jane, Exercised : why something we never evolved to do is healthy and rewarding. The rest of us will be Lurking : how a person became a user and wondering how in the world the grammar in this blog post makes any sense at all! What a coincidence -- the library has a brand new copy of The English grammar workbook for adults : a self-study guide to improve functional writing.

Ending on a lighter note, here are some new fiction recommendations: