đŸ“–Read A New Book Month


The holiday season is upon us and it is the best time of year to start reading a new book! Whether it is a book that is fresh off the press, or just new to you, new books are the epitome of diving into another world!

There are so many types of books that you can start reading: science, novels, classics, young adult, graphic novels, art, and so much more! This December, our displays will carry the true story of Galileo's Daughter by Dava Sobel, placed in a convent at 16 and born in 1600 in Virginia. Or, you can explore the history behind the elements in the periodic table in Periodic Tales. From Black Panther, to The Agony and the Ecstasy, all the way to books on the art of female artists Artemisia Gentileschi and the electric Lee Krasner--you can find a book to get lost in! Or you might enjoy the novel Man on the Run about a prison escape by a man who never committed the crime he was imprisoned for, written by Carl Weber.

Whatever your preference, we have oodles of options!

Happy Reading Your New Book!