📜 Poetry Month

This April we celebrate Poetry Month at Jessup Library! Love of words is never taken so much to heart as when a poem is written, or when a poem is read. Whether read aloud or read in the confines of your own mind, poetry can lift the heart, or sing with the sorrow of your soul. 

Our library has a vast collection of poetry from Langston Hughes to Amanda Gorman's Call Us What We Carry, Rita Dove to Joyce Carol Oates's American Melancholy. Take a look at Pulitzer Prize winning author Mary Oliver's American Primitive, known for her nature poetry, or read about Rumi in Rumi's Secret: The Life of the Sufi Poet of Love. Dig into a Norton Anthology of Native Nations in When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through and discover, or rediscover, many superlative Native American poets. Love poems are always in need, from Pablo Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets to William Shakespeare's The Complete Sonnets, we have a book for you!

Happy Reading!